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April 2010


This intriguing story is written using letters and poems written at the time of the love affair of John Keats and Fanny Brawne, although Keats and Fanny were only in each other's company for about three months of the two years that they were involved with each other. None of her letters to the poet have survived, but his to her have, as have those that Fanny Brawne wrote to Frances (Fanny) Keats, John Keats' young sister, after the poet's death. Through this correspondence the whole of their tragic love affair is revealed. The spelling and punctuation is as used by the letter writers.

Author's Biography

Peter Davey was born on the 3rd of July 1931 - His childhood spent during times of austerity and war, times both exciting and dangerous. From an early age he became an avid reader developing a vivid imagination and great interest in poetry and literature. After an apprenticeship he founded Davey Bros. & Co. 'Ipswich' Ltd. a firm that has just enjoyed fifty years of successful trading. Davey travelled within Japan where he met Mari his Japanese wife. When time allowed he wrote poetry and short stories. After retirement in 1996 he took to writing seriously. Peter has been an active member of 'The Suffolk Poetry Society' for a number of years, and is the secretary for the Portfolio Group - a workshop by correspondence. This Keats book is a small part of a large manuscript running to 300 thousand words and its hoped that three more books about John Keats his relations and friends will be published in due course.


£9.99  Hardcover 

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