Matron’s Garden [Jan]
By Marie T.Thomas
Published by
Janus Publishing Company Limited
ISBN 978 -1-85756-604-8
January 2010
Ann Wosley was 4 years old, when she was sent to an orphanage by her violent and drunken father, during WWII. He was unable to care for her, especially since her mother died. In the orphanage, Ann soon learns that every child must fend for themselves and eagerly waits for her brother’s return from the navy.
Author's Biography
Born in London, Marie T. Thomas spent most of her war years in Essex and was latterly evacuated to Sussex. At the age of 18 she emigrated to America, where she attained a BA and an MA in the History of Art. She also volunteered for the Peace Corps and has participated in four missions.
£12.95 Hardcover