x-24: unclassified [Jan]
By Various - Edited by: N.A. Parkes & Tash Aw (ed.)
Published by
Flipped eye publishing
ISBN 978-0-9541570-1-2
Category short stories
January 2010
Whether it’s an organic seed distributor entrapping an errant lover with a replica pre-Columbian Aztec artefact bought in Chicago, or a blind beggar scrambling for change at a South American crossroads, the stories in ‘x-24: unclassified’ bubble with range and urgency. Incredible ideas; absolutely compelling storytelling.
Author's Biography
Nii A. Parkes is the senior editor of flipped eye publishing and author of the novel, ‘Tail of the Blue Bird’; Tash Aw is the award-winning author of two novels, ‘The Harmony Silk Factory’ and ‘Map of the Invisible World’
A rare anthology that is as much a celebration of new literary talent as it is of the range and internationalism of contemporary English literature. – Hisham Matar, author of Booker-shortlisted ‘In the Country of Men’.
£6.99 Paperback