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Les Berberes et Moi
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Les Berberes et Moi

Subtitle A story of poverty and suffering, elation and hope.
By Magdalena Wasiura
Published by Cv Publications
ISBN 9781908419965
Category Travel
Autumn 2014


Magdalena Wasiura's account of living in the Berber community, Morocco-familes, work, customs and belief.

Author's Biography

Trained as a journalist in Poland, worked as an actress, dancer and model. Multi-lingual and widely travelled.


"An excellent read, conveys experience of the life and conditions with candour and humour"
Liz Summers, manager, Reade Bookshop, Aldeburgh.
Price £16.99

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Reader Comments

amazing book
very impressive book
that was one damn good writer, very raw, edgy, honest and humble... i would recommend to all my friend to read, thank you.
excellent read .
Raw, Real, Funny, Emotional, An honest account of her life with the Berber people and her work highs and lows of her time volunteering with Hannan charity. Thoroughly readable and enjoyable and gives an amazing insight into life in Middle Atlas of Morocco
i love this. so educative. i recommend it to volunteers and their host organisations/ families
This work has impressed me so much that I recommend it to many readers and I vote for this writer for her good work.
This book is indeed commendable to any one wishing to travel in any new culture. It explains the difference in cultural norms one may experience and the attitudes for both the host culture and the traveler's culture. The book goes on to show how one would strike the balance between fear and your personal development. To my life this book is so touching and has been lacking in my experience as one who like to exprore different cultures. Thank you Magdalen for compiling the information
Piękna historia - szczera, prawdziwa, mądra - otwiera nam oczy na nasze życie, na to, co NAPRAWDĘ ważne. Lekki styl autorki, bo dobrze się czyta takie historie tak opowiedziane: z szacunkiem do tematu.
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