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Men I Have Known
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Men I Have Known

By Eileen Younghusband
Published by Candy Jar Books
ISBN 978-0-9571548-5-8
Winter 2013


An autobiographical account of the fascinating and surprising friendships Eileen Younghusband has cultivated in her life, both famous and unknown. Including detailed and personal accounts of meeting men such as Rex Harrison, Dylan Thomas and John Barrowman; Men I Have Known charts her 92 years of intrigue, adventure and tragedy.

Author's Biography

Eileen Younghusband was born in London, 1921. After her time in the war, she had a variety of successful careers including hotelier, caterer and a Spanish scrap merchant. She graduated from the Open University aged 87 and now resides in Sully where she continues to write.


Price: £14.99

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Reader Comments

Another great book from Eileen Younghusband. What a remarkable lady.
Amusing and interesting book about the men in Eileen Younghusband's colourful life. Highly recommended.
A fantastic book and Eileen is one of those amazing people who has had a life where she always seemed to be in the right place at the right time. It is written with great detail and gives the reader an insight into some of the more famous names of our time. A great read indeed and for anyone interested in the ways of society a few decades ago this book does it all.
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