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The Witch and her Soul
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The Witch and her Soul

By Christine Middleton
ISBN 9781874181903
Winter 2013


At her dying husband's bedside Jane's extraordinary diary is born. Confessional, raw, evocative, her soul-deep writings reveal her forbidden beliefs and desires. In a time of treachery, suspicion and vicious persecution begins the pursuit of innocents accused of witchcraft, culminating in a terrible trial that draws Jane into its heart.

Author's Biography

Christine Middleton is a retired lecturer from Lancashire who has been researching the story of the Pendle witches for over 20 years. She had no intention of seeking a publisher as her interest was purely personal and based on her passionate belief that a gross injustice had been committed in a horribly cruel way. The publisher read her work and immediately loved it, choosing to publish even though fiction was not its genre.


Price: £7.99

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Reader Comments

A truly wonderful read with a new look at an old story. It was beautifully written too, so often not the case these days. I was convinced.
A superb and evocative historical novel.
This is a very unusual and innovative book which challenges ideas and convention. A joy to read.
A fiction based on great research into real historical characters and acts, based in the county I love, Lancashire. The supposed witches are everyday people who are subjected to small minded bigotry and arrogant cruelty by those who carry authority without true justice. I found this book hard to put down and have given away several copies and bought the Kindle edition for my wife.
I agree with the reviews on Amazon, The Times Literary Supplement etc. It is a fascinating insight into religious fear and uncertainty in Elizabethan England using real historical characters and events. and it is a cracking read beautifully written.
Love this book; Its a proper,honest book and its story takes you vividly to Samlesbury and this little but famous bit of English history.
Fantastically well written book that prevents every reader from wanting to put it down. With a captivating storyline, it takes you to a whole new world and allows your imagination to have experiences that are completely new to it.
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