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By Ann Kelley
Published by Luath Press Ltd
ISBN 9781908373762:RUNNERS
Winter 2013


As mankind strives to rebuild society in the wake of climate change, over-population and global food shortages, every day is a struggle for people like Sid and his younger sister Lo. They are ‘runners’- people whose very survival the government has outlawed.

Author's Biography

ANN KELLEY is a photographer and prize-winning poet who has previously published a collection of poetry and photographs, a book of St Ives family portraits, a series of novels (including one which was the recipient of the Costa Children’s Book Award 2007), and an audio book.


"[Runners] is tough, tense and moving... a disturbing and compulsive read" - HELEN DUNMORE

Price: £9.99

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Reader Comments

A book which scares both adults and children - but what a great story - what an imagination! what a conclusion! Scary and unbelievable; but on thinking of uncaring, uninterested governments, one could be convinced that this is a possible future, unless we determine to change course and listen to nature.
An excellent, involving novel set in a bleak future which isn't entirely implausible - readers of Suzanne Collins' The Hunger Games and Julie Bertagna's Exodus should enjoy this.
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