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The 7 Graces of Marketing
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The 7 Graces of Marketing

Subtitle How to Heal Humanity and the Planet by Changing the Way We Sell
By Lynn Serafinn
Published by Humanity 1 Press
ISBN 9780956857804
Category business
Summer 2013


‘Is marketing making us ill?’ That is the question author Lynn Serafinn asks in The 7 Graces of Marketing. A bold and holistic examination, The 7 Graces of Marketing explores the impact consumer culture has upon our health, our economy, our communities and the delicate ecological balance of our world.

Author's Biography

Lynn Serafinn is an award-winning coach, marketing consultant, social entrepreneur and multiple bestselling author in marketing and business ethics. She is listed in the ‘Top 20 Marketing Authors on Twitter’ by Social Media Magazine, was a Brit Writers Awards finalist and Silver Medalist for the eLit Book Awards.

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Reader Comments

Lynn Serafinn is an inspirational leader and this book is a must read if you're in business and want to make a difference.
practical, relevant, useful, honest
The current way we market I believe will implode on itself - people are tired of hype, scaremongering and deception. The 7 Graces opens up a world of discussion for new ethical marketing practices with a holistic approach. The world is crying out for a more conscious approach - this book explores possibilities.
The 7 Graces of Marketing is a book that contributed to my own self-awareness within the world I work in. That is the showbusiness. In addition, it inspired me right from the start of reading the book since it is very catching the way it is written. It is extremely comprehensible and intelligent book that now, 1 year later, I am launching myself as an independent writer and actress. I recommend this book to anyone who is looking to improve business, to launch business or someone who is looking for inspiration in their business professional activities. Thank you.
The book that all ethical and heart intelligent business people have been waiting for. A true game changer. I was shocked to be shown things I already felt about marketing and business but, for the pressure of conformity, had buried away. Repeat..a true game changer. So grateful for this discovery.
After several years of a freelancer, working for a couple of core clients, changes meant I had to "go it alone." My biggest fear was my intense dislike of sales and marketing. My heart skipped a beat when I heard of Lynn's book, and, reading and working through the book, it shows graceful marketing is possible - to produce, deliver and share our services in a way that's nourishing for self, others and planet. I'm currently developing my new business, and the 7 Graces is my guiding force. My only complaint is that the title should go further and say 7 Graces of Marketing ... * Business and Beyond* Thank you Lynn Serafinn
For someone who wants to lead their business (and/or it's marketing) in an ethical, maybe even spiritual (or at least, humanly decent) way, I highly recommend the 7 Graces of Marketing. If modern commercial marketing is contributing to the sickness of our times, then this book is a substantial part of the antidote.
This book is a game-changer for businesses of all size. This book is much more than a mere exploration. It is the first model to explain in detail how marketing must change for new paradigm businesses to succeed. Based on ethics and a conscious mindset Lynn shows us step by step what good business looks like and how to get there. This is an important book.
A thought-provoking book and truly inspirational. First read with marketing in mind, the 7 Graces have filtered through and now my whole life is influenced by the subtleties of the 7 Graces.
This book really inspired me and informed how I run my business today. Many of the key ideas were thoughts that I had already had but could not find the words/ forms to express them. I am so grateful to Lynn for her creativity and perserverance in writing this book.
A well-written book which inspires people to be better at marketing in ethical ways
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